Modern Greek Literature II: From the 1930s Generation to Today

Course Code
ECTS Credits
2nd Semester
Course Category

Panagiota Karavia, Assistant Professor

Course Description

The content of this course is: - the work of George Seferis and its contribution,

 - Greek surrealism and the main representatives of the literary movement through their representative texts (Embeirikos – Eggonopoulos – Elytis), 

- Ritsos,

- Greek Prose of 1930 with parallel teaching of extracts from the texts of Mirivilis, Venezis, Karagatsis, Terzakis & Prevelakis as well as reference to their critical discourse

 - Writers that frame the generation of the 1930s as well as modern writers 

- Postwar poetry: main features of the trends with parallel teaching of representative texts by Anagnostakis & Scaribas 

- Post-war prose and main representatives (Xatzis – Tsirkas – Samarakis – Galateia Saranti – G. Ioannou), 

- literary criticism and literary magazines of the era.